Pyecombe Golf Club
Clayton Hill
West Sussex
BN45 7FF


PyecombeGolf Club
The Historic Golf Club Of West Sussex

Welcome to the Pyecombe Golf Club
Members' Saturday Roll-up (MSRU)

The Members’ Saturday Roll-Up meets most Saturdays for social and competitive golf. We gather from 07:45 with the groups drawn at 08:15 to play a stableford competition with the first group teeing off at 08:30. Please consult the main Pyecombe diary to check that there are no conflicting events.

All Pyecombe members, regardless of ability or gender, are welcome to join the MSRU on any Saturday. There is no commitment to play every week, just join in when you can or when you are without a game. The MSRU is also ideal for new members who wish to get a game, to obtain their club handicap and to meet fellow golfers.

The MSRU results qualify for the weekly prize, and also for the trophies and prizes awarded for play throughout the membership year. All players are encouraged to enter club competitions on Saturday mornings to ensure they meet the handicap qualifying rules and to support the club.

The Members' Saturday Roll-up is organized by:


Mike Sexton who manages the week to week running and can be contacted by email.


Phil Woolven who keeps the scores and standings, which can be found here


Stewart Dench who arranges the:


  - End of year Awards Dinner, which is held in October.


Details and photos of the 2015 event


Details and photos of the 2016 event


Details and photos of the 2017 event


Details and photos of the 2018 event


Details and photos of the 2019 event


Details and photos of the 2021 event


Details and photos of the 2022 event


Details and photos of the 2023 event


  - Annual Away-day


Details and photos of the 2015 event


Details and photos of the 2017 event


Details and photos of the 2018 event


Details and photos of the 2019 event


Details and photos of the 2020 event


Details and photos of the 2021 event


Details and photos of the 2022 event


Details and photos of the 2023 event


Details and photos of the 2024 event

The Awards and Prizes played for during the membership year are:


The John Richardson Trophy

Best average over the year - min 20 games


Gerry Allen Memorial Trophy

Best average of the best 15 scores


The Bryan Tidbury Trophy

Most birdies in the year


Roy Jarvis Award

Average / average score


Bandit Award

Highest stableford score for a single round


B****y B***h Trophy

Lowest stableford score for a single round


Sad Git award

Most games played

MSRU Rules

1. All players in attendance put £2 in the kitty and put their name in the 'hat'. At 08:15 prompt, the names are drawn to determine who plays with whom for the day. Dependent on numbers, the groups are a mix of 3 and 4 balls.

2. All rounds are played off the player's club handicap.

3. Rounds are played from the competition white tees for men, red tees for ladies. Special permission to play from other tees can be granted to individuals by the organisers, based on the player’s ability to play the course.

4. The highest stableford score on the day wins. Six or more players need to complete the round for it to count as a qualifying day.

5. In the event of a tie, the winner is determined on countback and the best score over the final nine holes. If the best score for the last nine holes does not separate the players, then the final six holes are used, and if that still fails to provide a definitive outcome, the final three holes. If a tie still persists then the score on the final hole is used.

6. The winner’s prize is £15 with the balance going towards the end of year dinner and prizes. If there are fewer than 15 players the winner receives half of the pot with the balance going towards the dinner and prizes. The winner should be available or arrange to collect their winnings either on the day or the following Saturday.

7. Any player who scores 2 or more stableford points better than the standard scratch will have their card submitted to the Club Pro for consideration for a handicap review, if they have not entered a club competition. i.e. 39 or more points off the summer tees or 41 or more points off the winter tees.