Course Status
Course open.
Summer tees in use.
Electric trolleys permitted.
Buggies permitted.
For more information please call the pro shop on 01273 845 372 ex 1.
Kitchen closed for service until 11:00a.m.
The kitchen will be closed for service until 11:00a.m. today. Thereafter, it will be open.
The men's invitation players will be served tea / coffee & bacon rolls before their round.
Newly installed observation posts
The newly installed black and white observation posts on holes 2, 3, 14 & 15 are in place to aid ball search.
They are immovable obstructions, with free relief permitted under Rule 16.
Chipping Green Open
The chipping green and bunker are open, from 13/7/24 onwards.
In order to level up the green (following extensive drainage works), it will continue to be top-dressed with sand on a regular basis.
Locked in the car park with the bollard up?
The lower gate is accessible using a code in the keypad.
Codes can be accessed via the website: https://www.pyecombegolfclub.com/archive.aspx
Login and then go to Misc Club Documents in the dropdown menu.
Please ensure that it is closed securely after use.
In emergencies, the Managing Secretary can be contacted on 07866030274.
Dogs are not permitted on the course
Please note that we do not allow dogs on the course*. This applies irrespective of whether the dog is on a lead. Apologies for any inconvenience that this may cause.
* Assistance dogs, for those with a registered disability are permitted.